A bank recipient represents your registered recipients in a specific bank account. Remember that you can only create a new transaction to a previously registered recipient.
For some banks, like Itaú, a bank recipient is created and, if there are no errors with the request, it will have a status approved. However, for some banks, like BCI, a bank recipient must be created (enrolled), and then sent to be authorized with a verification code sent to your email before it's approved by the bank.
You also need to have in mind that your requests are being processed in an asynchronous way, so when a record has one status, it is possible that at the same time it is trying to be updated to some other status, and this is indicated by the transition property. For example, when a recipient only exists in Cardda, it will have a draft status, but while the application to enroll it in the bank is in process, it will also have an enroll transition. And only when it has already been enrolled, it will have an enrolled status and a null transition.
In short, bank recipients can have the following status:
- ✅ approved: The recipient was successfully added to your bank account.
- ❌ deleted: The recipient was deleted from the account.
- ⏳ preauthorized: The recipient was successfully preauthorized but must now be authorized.
- ⏳ enrolled: The recipient was successfully created but must now be authorized.
- 🗒 draft: The recipient only exists in Cardda and not in the bank records.
Also bank recipients can have the following transitions:
- 🔑 authorize: The recipient is in the process of being authorized bank account.
- 🔑 preauthorize: The recipient is in the process of being preauthorized bank account.
- 🧨 delete: The recipient is in the process of being deleted from the account.
- 📨 enroll: The recipient is in the process of being saved in the bank records.